Data types & Operators
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Number: Used to represent a number such as 1, 3.14, or -10.
String: "Hello world!" This is used to represent text in a sentence or two, such as "JavaScript".
Boolean: Represents true or false. used in functions and conditions.
Null: Indicates that no value was created intentionally.
Undefined: Indicates a variable that has been declared but not yet assigned a value.
Object: A complex data type that can contain many values and objects. Objects can be created using curly braces {}.
Operators, on the other hand, are symbols or elements used to control values and variables. JavaScript provides many operators, including:
1.Arithmetic operators: addition (+), subtraction (-), equals (*), division (/), etc. It is used for basic mathematic calculations.
2.Assignment Operators: It is used to assign values to variables like the equal sign (=) or +=, -= , *= etc.
3.Comparison operators: equal (==), not equal (!=), greater than (>), less than (<), etc.
4.Logical operators: Used to perform logical operations on Boolean values such as AND (&&), OR () and NOT (!).
5.Unary operators: Used to perform single operations such as the increment (++) and decrement (--) operators.